Frequently Asked Questions

If you don't find answers to your questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

San Salvador Community Clinic is located only a one-minute drive from the airport. There is one doctor and 4 nurses at the Clinic. Phone daytime: (242) 331-2105
Emergencies: (242) 452-0288

San Salvador police office is located in Cockburn Town.
Police: (242) 331-2010

Yes, cars are available for rent on island. Contact Carol's Rental Cars: +1 (242) 558-9290

Yes. Review available properties on your favourite vacation rental website.

BahamasAir has regular service to San Salvador island from Nassau on New Providence, almost every day. They also have a flight directly from Miami to San Salvador once a week. Club Med offer flights directly from Paris and Montreal in Canada. An online search or call to your travel agent is recommended. Check on how to get to San Salvador HERE.

Arrangements can be made directly with the Air Taffic Controller at Lynden Pindling Airport in Nassau. Right now there are no FBOs on San Salvador.

Yes, there are 2 grocery stores in Cockburn Town and 1 a little north of town. Russel's and Dorette's are in town. Russel's is located on Queen's Highway in the center of Cockburn town. To get to Dorette's you turn left just before Russel's store when you are driving on the main road south. Drive down this street and you'll find Dorette's on the left hand side of the road.

If you don't stop anywhere, you can drive around the whole island in one hour.

You can get inland lots as cheap as $10,000. Beach front lots are starting at $150,000

Yes, the Bank Of The Bahamas is located in town, a little north of the Grocery store. They have an ATM, and you can do regular banking there.

The number of Bahamians living on San Salvador is currently under 1000.

The number of second home owners on the island is probably less than 100.

No. A favorite past-time and very charming feature unique to San Salvador is that we check-in for our flight and then go to the bar across the street and wait there before going through to the departure lounge. The bar does have finger foods like fried wings and if you're lucky they'll have ice cream.

Yes. However it is highly recommended to have some cash handy in case the machines are down. There is only one bank and one ATM on the island, so you would want to arrive with cash. Both Bahamian and US dollars are accepted everwhere.

There are giftshops with Bahamian craft, other souvenirs and some liquor right across the street from the airport, on the left hand side of Wendie's bar.

Well, that's a bit tricky. Our best advise to call ahead, unless of course you're driving around without a care in the world and won't be too disappointed to find somewhere closed.

There is a BTC store in Cockburn town. You can purchase phones, sim cards and data plans there.

There is also an Aliv Store, across from the Airport, to the right of the bar. You can purchase phones, sim cards and data plans there as well.

There are two liquor stores on the island. One is called "700 Wines and Spirits", and is located in the Plaza Shopping Center just north of the airport, on the left hand side of the road.

The other one is "Zippy's Liquor" and is located next to "Dorette's" grocery store. The souvernir store across from the airoport has some liquor as well.

Yes. There is a marina at the Riding Rock Resort & Marina. They have a great website

Yes. There is a diving outfit at the marina at the Riding Rock Resort & Marina. Check out their website

Yes. San Salvador is home to churches representing several denominations including Catholic, Anglican, and Baptist.